What foods increase potency in men - list

products to increase potency

Potency is the physiological ability to become sexually excited and perform sexual intercourse. In order for the male reproductive system to function flawlessly, it is necessary to provide the body with a full range of substances necessary for this - nutrients. This can be achieved by adjusting your diet. In this article we will talk about the most important products that increase potency.

List of products that increase potency

Products that increase potency contain high-quality proteins in an easily digestible form, vitamins, macro- and microelements. Classic set: seafood, fish, lean meat of animals and birds, vegetables and fruits. You can further enhance the effect with the help of spices.


Seafood is considered the most effective for increasing potency due tohigh content of zinc, high-quality proteins, as well as phosphorus, B vitamins (with their deficiency, the conductivity of nerve fibers deteriorates), selenium. Zinc is a key element in maintaining male reproductive health (the best foods with zinc for men). Participates in the synthesis of testosterone, inhibits the process of its degradation and transformation into female estrogens. A lack of zinc is manifested by a decrease in potency and vitality in general.

Seafood includes invertebrate organisms that live in the world's oceans:

  • Seafood: oysters, mussels;
  • Crustaceans: crabs, shrimps;
  • Cephalopods: squid, octopus;
  • Seaweed.
mussels to increase potency

Fish is a separate category of products. The following varieties are especially useful for increasing potency: salmon, mackerel, flounder, halibut, sardines, tuna.

Quail eggs, along with oysters, are considered a classic dish for increasing potency, but ordinary chicken eggs are not much inferior to them. Contrary to popular belief, the cholesterol contained in the yolk does not clog blood vessels, but is a building material for testosterone and cortisol molecules. With regular consumption of eggs, the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood decreases, which reduces the risk of developing vascular erectile dysfunction. The yolk also contains zinc, iron and fat-soluble vitamins D, A, E, necessary for the functioning of the gonads.

In addition, to maintain normal potency, a man needs proteins, and egg protein is almost 100% digestible. An adult can safely consume several eggs per day.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts are a heavy food for the stomach, but good for potency. To avoid digestive problems, you cannot consume more than a handful per day. Nuts contain a lot of zinc, magnesium, potassium, selenium and amino acids. Its presence in the diet will improve the state of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems and stimulate the functioning of the sexual glands.

The following nuts are most beneficial for potency:

The best option for use to increase potency is mixed with honey or in the form of nut milk, which can be made at home. To prepare it, you must first soak the nuts for 6-8 hours, then dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 5 (100 g of nuts per 500 ml of water), grind in a blender, strain the resulting mass . Milk can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

Of the seeds for increasing potency, pumpkin seeds are the most beneficial - they are valuable for their high zinc content. However, in addition to this element, the composition contains many other nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system:

  1. A complete set of B vitamins.
  2. Vitamins A and C.
  3. A complete set of vitamin E tocopherols (the ideal option for absorption).
  4. Calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus.
  5. Fatty acid.

Industrial hemp, flax, chia, sprouted oat and wheat seeds are also useful for increasing potency.

pumpkin seeds to increase potency

Meat products

Animal and poultry meat has little cholesterol, which scares everyone, and a lot of amino acids needed to build muscles and maintain the balance of sex hormones. To increase potency, you need to choose low-fat varieties of young fish and cook them using gentle methods: in the oven, steamed or grilled. In this way, nutrients are better preserved and their subsequent absorption by the stomach is facilitated. Fried steaks, barbecue or fatty ribs are overweight, bad cholesterol and carcinogenic.

To maintain potency, the following types of meat are most useful:

  • Beef. Contains a lot of zinc, amino acids, vitamins B, A, E, PP. The meat is tough, so it is advisable to first prepare the minced meat, and then cook cutlets, meatballs, meatballs and steam casseroles.
  • Rabbit meat. It is 21% higher than chicken in protein content, 90% absorbed by the body (beef has only 60%).
  • Calf. The meat is taken from animals between 3 and 5 months of age. This is a valuable protein product with a high content of protein, iron and B vitamins.
  • Turkey meat. It is considered the safest of all industrial types of poultry meat.
  • Quail meat. It is a dietary product rich in retinol, vitamins B, PP, phosphorus and potassium.

Chicken and pork have been of questionable quality in recent years due to growth-promoting additives. Meat from wild animals is also useful for increasing potency, but it must be properly prepared before heat treatment.


The most valuable vegetables for improving male potency are:

  • Cauliflower;
  • Turnips, carrots, pumpkin;
  • Beet;
  • Stewed tomato;
  • Shallot;
  • Celery;
  • Romaine lettuce, arugula, watercress;
  • Asparagus.

Please note that excessive consumption of raw vegetables can cause bloating and intestinal discomfort. The diet must be balanced: 2/3 fiber and 1/3 animal protein.

Fruits and berries

Fruits and berries are rich not only in vitamins, but also in acids, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and help activate blood circulation.To increase potency, it is recommended to give preference to watermelons, avocados, figs, bananas, cranberries, goji berries. Among the wild fruits that are useful for stimulating libido are raspberries, strawberries and hawthorn (more foods that increase libido in men).

Potency will improve if you drink a cocktail based on nut milk with the addition of bananas, strawberries and other berries 2-4 times a week.

strawberries to increase potency

Bee products

Few men consume bee products regularly. However, they are the most accessible source of valuable bioactive substances for potency. The most common beekeeping product is honey. It can be added to morning porridge, cocktails or mixed with nuts.

Less popular is bee bread (pollen pieces). Men who want to improve potency are recommended to take one tablespoon a day on an empty stomach. This natural product contains almost the entire periodic table.

Fast-acting potency products – are there such things?

It will not be possible to instantly activate potency by consuming this or that food product, but you can increase blood flow and increase the sensitivity of nerve endings. Fresh seafood, sour cream and nuts are suitable for this.

The most useful vegetables for quickly improving potency are ginger roots, horseradish, parsley and garlic. It is best to use them in the form of alcohol tinctures:

  • In garlic: pour 200 g of crushed garlic with 200 ml of alcohol (70%), leave for 10 days, strain. Take with milk: 5 drops of tincture per 50 ml of milk.
  • For ginger: 400 g of root per 1 liter of vodka. Leave for 2 weeks. You can add a few spoons of honey (a good preservative). To increase excitement, just drink 30-50 g.
ginger tincture for potency

Ginger alcohol tincture

  • In horseradish ("hrenovukha"): 100 g of grated horseradish root, 30 g of ginger root, 1 liter of high-quality moonshine, 2 tablespoons of honey. Infuse the mixture for 3-4 days. To improve potency, you can drink about 50 g immediately before sex.
  • For parsley: 125 g of chopped root, pour 0. 5 liters of vodka, leave for 3 weeks. Drink the strained infusion 15 ml daily.

Garlic, ginger and parsley tinctures are especially useful for men over 50. They improve potency by stimulating the sex glands and activating blood flow.

It is advisable not only to eat fresh parsley and celery, but also to freeze them for the winter (greenhouse products contain a lot of nitrates).

Products that reduce potency

Foods harmful to potency are those whose consumption negatively affects the state of blood vessels, blood composition, promotes weight gain and distorts hormonal levels. These include:

  1. Trans Fats. Almost all fast food and semi-finished products are produced from them: hamburger cutlets, snacks, cookies, snacks, sweets, dumplings. Frequent consumption of such foods will inevitably lead to an increase in the amount of heavy cholesterol, thickening of the blood, deterioration of erection and decreased libido. It is very difficult to get rid of accumulated fat with this diet. The WHO recommends reducing trans fat intake to 1% of daily calories.
  2. trans fats harm potency
  3. Sweet. People who like sweets are unaware of health problems until they are faced with being overweight and the threat of developing diabetes. High blood sugar levels can cause nerve damage and impotence. The fat layer will actively convert testosterone into female estrogen.
  4. Smoked meats. The substances contained in smoke liquids and vapors negatively affect the functioning of the testicles. Testosterone synthesis decreases with a subsequent deterioration in potency.

Beer causes enormous damage to potency. It is a rare man who, due to its regular use, does not develop a heavy belly and enlarged mammary glands. Beer disrupts hormonal levels, there is a tendency to estrogen, potency drops and the approach to andropause accelerates.

The best products to increase potency

Any man always wants to remain a man. No matter how pretentious it may sound, it's true. For any member of the stronger sex, men's health is not just an opportunity to have sex, but also a combination of honor and status. Therefore, always being "on top" and fully equipped is an important component of your life, and products that increase potency in men, which we will discuss in this article, will help with this.

If for some reason problems begin to appear in terms of "male strength", then you should seriously think about this and take some measures to correct the situation.

Now medicine has in its arsenal a large number of pharmacological agents for male potency. This, of course, is great, but don't forget that there are also natural products that help improve male potency. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows what and in what form should be consumed to maintain male strength. Let's try to figure out which foods increase potency in men and what you should eat first.

Herbs and spices to increase male potency

When asking which foods increase a man's potency, we must not forget the different herbs and spices that must be consumed for full male health. These plant "helpers" include:

  • Savory (thyme). It is also called the herb of happiness. In moderate doses it can increase potency and prolong erotic pleasures.
  • St. John's Wort. Eliminates conditions associated with mental stress and restores libido.
  • Schisandra. Promotes sperm formation. With its use, the overall tone will increase. The action is similar to that of Eleutherococcus.
  • Oat. Used in the form of decoctions and infusions.
  • Rosemary. Contains substances similar in structure to sex hormones. Leaves and twigs are used.
  • Thyme. You can make tea with it. Helps with sexual impotence.
  • Ordinary Dubrovnik. It has a stimulating effect on men.
  • Ginger, cinnamon, cloves and cardamom can be used as spices.

Alternative medicine for men's health

Many medicinal herbs are able to dilate blood vessels, increase blood flow and eliminate prostate congestion. Here are some recipes for men that can increase libido:

  1. Nettle helps very well. It is used as an infusion. 100 g of crushed leaves are poured with 300 ml of boiling water in a volume of 300 ml. It is also used in the form of seeds. They are used in combination with red wine and honey.
  2. An indispensable assistant in this regard at all times has been ginseng root, which should be consumed with honey. This composition improves libido well.
  3. Thyme is considered one of the best health remedies for the strong half of humanity. It is even used to prevent prostatitis. The herb contains a lot of zinc and is necessary for the synthesis of testosterone. Inflorescences are used. An infusion is prepared from them, which is taken in equal portions throughout the day.
  4. It's good to eat celery. This plant is extremely rich in zinc. All parts of the plant are consumed, including the root and stem. You need to eat 100 g of this wonderful medicinal herb daily.
  5. The effect will certainly come with regular use of garlic. Contains phytoncides that improve prostate function.
  6. Parsnip will eliminate congestion and inflammatory processes in the prostate.
  7. Calamus rhizome. With it you can quickly achieve the desired result. You just need to chew it or use it as a tincture.

It is always necessary to remember that herbal medicine must be carried out competently, maintaining the dosage accurately. Failure to comply with this rule may cause irreparable damage. Additionally, you may be allergic to many plants. Therefore, before starting to use medicinal herbs, it is best to consult a doctor. The stronger half of humanity must treat its health with care.

Fast-acting products

The following products to increase potency in men will help restore sexual activity in the shortest possible time:

  1. Oysters stimulate blood circulation and are powerful aphrodisiacs. They contain the microelement zinc and rare amino acids, which activate the production of hormones and increase the number of sperm. Due to the substance dopamine, libido increases. It is best to eat them caught in spring, raw, sprinkled with lemon juice. Men should not eat shellfish frequently - this risks excessive mercury entering the body and gastroenteritis. It is useful to do this to avoid increasing potency;
  2. Flounder - it is useful to eat it due to the content of vitamins A, E, group B and the zinc element in the meat. Fish protein is quickly absorbed by the body. It is useful to steam, sauté or boil halibut;
  3. Cooked mackerel – contains omega-3 and 6 acids involved in testosterone biosynthesis. Improves sexual health, increases potency, increases sperm production due to phosphorus and iodine in the composition;
  4. Meat has a high energy value, which causes the body to produce the hormone thyroxine. Supports hormonal excitability. It is healthy to eat lean red meat (horse meat, lamb, beef) and dietary meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey, pheasant). Ideally, the meat should be boiled or steamed, served with herbs and vegetables;
  5. Nuts – must be included in daily consumption. Due to the content of vitamins E, B, zinc and magnesium, potency function problems are treated. Arginine has a beneficial effect on erection in men. It is useful to eat hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts and walnuts. Ideally, they should be mixed with honey, dried fruit, banana, apple, beetroot or carrot. Pine nuts are considered the most beneficial for men's health, as they serve to saturate cells with energy and stimulate the production of testosterone;
  6. Nutmeg - a spice added to dishes or diluted with water and drunk. Do not exceed the daily dose (more than a third of a teaspoon).

Eating seafood and marine fish is recommended to quickly resolve sexual problems. Of all the varieties, nutritionists distinguish:

List of foods that increase potency (+ the most harmful for male libido)

best products for potency

The health of the genitourinary system in men, as well as their sexual capabilities, depend on many factors. Unfavorable environmental conditions, chronic diseases, alcohol consumption, prolonged use of medications - all this affects sexual function. To improve potency, men are recommended to take vitamin complexes, medications, undergo physiotherapy sessions and practice specially designed exercises. The foods that make up a man's diet also play an important role. If saturated fats and cholesterol predominate among them, then it is necessary to adjust the nutritional system. It should include products for potency that contain valuable vitamins (more about vitamins for male potency) and microelements.

What foods are harmful to men's health?

It is important to have an idea not only of those products that are beneficial for potency, but also of those that worsen it. That:

  • Bakery, bakery products. These products contain yeast, sugar and acids, which also negatively affect testosterone synthesis;
  • Foods rich in cholesterol. They contribute to blocked blood vessels and poor circulation in the pelvic organs. These products include fatty pork and beef, sausages, margarine, butter, egg yolks, fatty cheeses, liver pâté;
  • "Fast" food (french fries, burgers, pizza). Contains harmful trans fats that cause hormonal imbalance;
  • harmful foods for potency
  • Smoked meats containing chemicals that inhibit testosterone synthesis. In addition, these products contain liquid smoke, the harm of which is to damage the testicles with powerful toxins;
  • Linseed, soy and corn oils. They not only negatively affect potency, but also impair spermatogenesis;
  • Beer. The bad thing about this drink is that it disrupts the hormonal balance. Beer helps suppress testosterone synthesis because it contains phytoestrogens - female sex hormones.This is most clearly seen in the formation of a layer of fat in the abdominal region;
  • Bird eggs in unlimited quantities. It is ideal for a man to consume no more than one egg in 48 hours.,since this product negatively affects potency and impairs reproductive function;
beer worsens potency

When beer is consumed constantly and in large quantities, men stop producing the hormone testosterone, responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system. Over time, this can lead to potency problems

If a man often consumes foods that greatly affect potency, he should think about adjusting his diet. This is especially important if poor nutrition is combined with frequent stress, overwork, a sedentary lifestyle and being overweight.

Foods that increase potency

To improve potency it is necessary to eliminate foods that are harmful to health and sexual performance and enrich the diet with healthy foods.

Good drinks for male power

In addition to products that are consumed to increase potency in men, there are several drinks with similar properties. Below is a list of these funds:

  1. Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice. The vegetable contains a large amount of zinc, which is why the drink increases potency and strengthens the penis. Juice can be made at home with natural products;
  2. Ginger tea. This drink improves potency, stimulates blood circulation, preventing stagnation. To prepare the tea, take 2 cm of ginger root, peel and grind, then pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture and leave for 10 minutes. You can add honey and lemon to the drink;
  3. Watermelon juice. There is no need to cook it, just eat a few pieces of this fruit. Watermelon contains an amino acid that improves blood circulation and thus stimulates erection;
  4. Garlic-based tincture. Put 1 kg of chopped garlic in a three-liter jar and fill it to the top with boiled water. Infuse the medicine for a month, shaking the contents of the bottle every day. Take a teaspoon of tincture daily until used up;
  5. Mare's milk. It is useful for male potency, as it has a positive effect on hormonal levels and increases reproductive capacity;
  6. vitamins for potency
  7. Vegetable infusion. You need to take coriander and parsley, chop them, add hot water, leave for half an hour;
  8. Juice squeezed from celery root. This drink increases testosterone levels in the blood and combats erectile dysfunction.

Simple recipes and dishes for men's health

There are simple recipes that can strengthen your erection and generally improve the quality of a man's intimate life. You can try the following:

  • Sesame and honey. You need to take a handful of sesame seeds and fry them in a frying pan without using oil. Then, mix them with natural honey and consume three tablespoons three times a day;
  • Carrots, daikon and apples. Grate the roots and fruits on a medium grater and add the juice of half a lemon to the mixture. Take a tablespoon of the resulting mixture three times a day;
  • A nutritional mixture based on honey, red wine and aloe vera juice. The first component is taken in the amount of one glass, add a tablespoon of aloe juice and 0. 5 liters of wine. The mixture must be infused for 14 days. Drink the prepared liquid before meals, one tablespoon three times a day. The course of treatment is at least a month;
  • Onion with cottage cheese. You will need 2 Yalta onions, 120 g of cottage cheese, half a glass of curdled milk and green leaves. Finely chop the onion, mix with cottage cheese, pour over curdled milk. Sprinkle top of dish with herbs;
  • Shrimp Soup. It is necessary to chop and fry 2 carrots, parsley root, one onion, put the mass in boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Then add 500 g of cauliflower disassembled into inflorescences to the soup and cook until tender. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add 200 g of pre-cooked shrimp meat to the pan. Add chopped parsley and dill to the finished dish;
  • A mixture of horseradish and honey. Horseradish is a strong aphrodisiac, which also fights inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs. To prepare a drink from it, you need to take 300 g of raw materials, 2 cups of boiling water, 3 tablespoons of natural honey. Grind the horseradish, pour boiling water over and cool. After that, drain the water and add honey to the horseradish. This tasty mixture can be used as a sauce for fish and meat dishes;

A man's potency and ability to conceive largely depend on the quality of his diet. To always be in good shape, you need to exclude all harmful and completely useless foods from your diet, giving preference to natural and tasty foods that do not contain chemical additives and cholesterol and that also improve the quality of your sex life.


It is possible to increase potency by correcting the diet only if a man leads a healthy and active lifestyle. In smokers and alcoholics, half of the nutrients are not absorbed. The effect of a particular product also depends on individual characteristics and the body's nutrient needs (some have hypovitaminosis, others may have the opposite situation).